
Who knew?

It was another beautiful weekend. We spent an afternoon at the Locks soaking in the rays and watching people with too much money pass by on their fancy boats. Do I sound envious? I am. Our excursion opened my eyes to something I had never noticed before. Yes, I have driven down Ballard Avenue many, many times, yet I never noticed those cute boutiques that line the avenue. This calls for an exploratory outing. Who knew Ballard is so hip?

Mustn't forget to mention that this weekend is the knitting and fiber expo down at the Sea-Tac Marriott. I've never been to any craft expo before so I hope it's worth the trip to exciting Sea-Tac. Maybe I can convince my mother to come along. She loves to treat her only daughter to yarn, etc.

Really have been back at it with the cable hoodie. I was able to start the armhole shaping last night. The way things are going I think I may get the front completed this weekend.