
pretty darn close

Originally uploaded by p2squared.

Yep, he was that close to the hotel!

Whislter black bear

Whislter black bear
Originally uploaded by p2squared.

Dude was so close! mere feet from the lodge's veranda. Out for a nighttime feeding and stroll.

Sporting Life

Originally uploaded by p2squared.

What makes someone want to jump off and land here? With skis on no less.

Top of the World, Ma!

Originally uploaded by p2squared.

Olympic Man on top of Whistler.

Whistler-Nita Lake

Whistler-Nita Lake5
Originally uploaded by p2squared.

View from the balcony. Is there a bad view in Whistler?

Northern Paradise

Originally uploaded by p2squared.

First trip to Whistler! I don't know what took so long!!!