
Rookie mistake!!

Rookie mistake!!
Originally uploaded by p2squared.

Fucked up the pattern here by omitting two knit rows!! Yes, I have already bound-off the back piece and have knit the front pieces to up to this row.

Think I will lay this aside and start on Salina from Rowan Vintage Knits. The weather has cooled down and working with wool sounds very appealing right now.


Cherry bomb

Cherry bomb
Originally uploaded by p2squared.

One step forward, two steps back. Trying to be efficient by knitting front pieces at once and ended up frogging down to the ribbing. Takes more concentration than expected. Very hard to watch foreign films and knit this pattern because I keep missing pieces of the dialogue when I have to look down to count stitches or to cable over two stitches to the right and to the left.


What up, dog... um cat.

Originally uploaded by p2squared.

My first amineko. Yes, there is going to be another one. Too cute not to have another one. I'm considering calling him Coco or Cyrus. Cyril? Clark?

The search for the plastic beads, also know as those things that Beanie Babies are stuffed with, was impossible. Joann's, no. Michael's, no. Then a light came on: Goodwill. Yes, there was a whole shelf of Beanie Babies people no longer wanted and for me buy for $1 each.

So people, if you need plastic pellets, pebbles, beans, or whatever you call them go to Goodwill because it is guaranteed to be there and it's cheap!