
knitting doppelganger

There's another pknitty out there? I am so old...what is MySpace? How is it different from LiveJournal, Blogger, Typepad? I thought Xanga was the hip online thing for the teeny boppers. How come everyone and their granny has one? I'm a GM Pacer on the information highway; too old, too slow and can't keep up.



Originally uploaded by pknitty.

My efforts in the Trellis scarf. Knit with Misty Alpaca Lace in a seafoam green-blue color. Looks nice against the chocolate brown, no? Lace knitting is like one of those science toys you put in water and a few hours later it is ten times the original size. Dressing lace is like the same... maybe it's not ten times its knitted size, but you get me.


Pillow or Bag?

Originally uploaded by pknitty.

I can't decide whether to use this fabric for a throw pillow or a tote bag. It has a linen like weave with embroidered circular bursts of red, black. cream and orange, and a greyish print of the the same design. I bought one and a half yard of red microfiber to match. Though I think the matching red is suitable for the back side of a pillow, black microfiber would coordinate better with the fabric if it is to be made into a tote.

Just finished the Trellis scarf. Not my best effort. I got a little sloppy in the middle and towards the end. Was just wanting it to be finished!! Eunny described it accurately when she said lace knitting is a Sisyphean effort. No kidding.


Poor man's pottery

ikea vases
Originally uploaded by pknitty.

These are cool and if they came in red I would like them even more. They are the poor man's Jonathan Adler pottery. This is the year I declutter; I am resisting all the siren calls to bring in knickknacks, candles, cooking tools, etc. (yarn is excluded, of course), so I forced myself to pass on the vases when I was at Ikea last weekend.



I started Trellis on my way back from SF. As usual I didn't read the pattern thoroughly, just the usual quick skim (hmmm... looks doable, let's go get the yarn). K7tog!! Holy moley!! It took about four repeats before it got easier. Slippery Addis, dull points and lace weight yarn: YIKES! Not so easy at first.

Hey, the Ott-lite gives good light for photos at night.

Ahh... several reasons to miss the Bay Area...